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                Frequently Asked Questions about ASRock AM4 motherboards:

                The system doesn't boot properly after loading DRAM XMP Profile. How do I do?

                Please update the latest BIOS from ASRock official website firstly.
                Download link:

                Because of AM4 memory compatibility issue, some high frequency memory modules may not work with XMP profile successfully. ASRock keeps updating the latest AMD AGESA code to enhance the high frequency memory capability. Please keep tracking the latest BIOS update on ASRock official website.

                We have tested some memory modules on AM4 platform and users can refer to our suggested module list for choosing the finest ones to pair with your AM4 motherboard.

                Memory support list link: 

                X370 Professional Gaming , X370 Taichi , X370 Killer SLI/ac , X370 Killer SLI ,
                X370 Gaming K4 , AB350 Pro4 , AB350M Pro4 , AB350 Gaming K4

                What kind of M.2 specification can your AM4 motherboard support? Is M.2 shared with SATA port? Which SATA port?

                M.2 specification support may vary with a different AM4 motherboard. Please refer to the following table for support information.

                Please refer to the following table for detail information.

                How can I adjust ˇ°CPU Frequency Multiplier Changeˇ± setting on AM4 platform?

                CPU Frequency Multiplier Change option is already supported by the new BIOS update.
                Please visit ASRock Download zone and update the BIOS to the following BIOS or later versions.
                Download link:

                How can I update BIOS by ASRock Instant Flash on AM4 platform?

                Since AMD AM4 is a new structure and we just found BIOS cannot be completely updated by our Instant Flash. Thus, for the old BIOS version released before 2017/03/07, there is no ˇ°Instant Flashˇ± option under BIOS. To make sure BIOS update can be executed completely, please use DOS or Windows BIOS update methods to do update temporarily.
                After updating to the following version, Instant Flash functions and options are supported under BIOS and it can be used for updating the newer BIOS file in the future.

                How do I control ASRock RGB LED on AM4 motherboard?

                Please download ASRock RGB LED Utility from the following link, and the LED can be controlled under OS.

                What is the boot time for the AM4 series motherboards?

                Normally, the boot time for AM4 series motherboards is around 30-45 seconds.
                Boot time may be longer if clearing CMOS or boot up from getting AC power firstly.

                Which fan type can I use on AM4 motherboard to support fan speed control?

                Please refer to the following table for the fan type specification and information.

                *Auto detect ¨C system will automatically detect the fan type installed, so user doesn't set "DC or PWM" mode additionally under BIOS setup.

                How do I install Windows7 on AM4 platform motherboards?

                Intel? N3000 Series SoC, 100 / 200 Series and AMD AM4 chipset has removed their support for the Enhanced Host Controller Interface, so you might find it difficult to install windows7 operation system Since the USB ports won't work.
                Please refer to the Web page from following to install Windows7 on AM4 platform mothebroards.
                The link is below:

                Need more help? We'd like to serve you in person!

                ? 2002-2017 ASRock Inc. All rights reserved. | Information published on is subject to change without notice.
                The picture of the user interface above is a sample for reference. The actual user interface may vary due to updated software versions.