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                Design for Gamers

                Phantom Gaming monitors, PG34WQ15R2B and PG27FF1A, are based on 165Hz refresh rate and 1ms (MPRT) response time, which means gamers can be one step ahead of opponents during gameplay. Furthermore, Phantom Gaming monitor offers highly competent functions such as HDR, Flicker-free, and FreeSync Premium technologies, allowing gamers to enjoy incredible gaming experience.
                HDR Technology

                HDR Technology

                Each of Phantom Gaming monitors features DisplayHDR 400 or HDR 10 technology.Let the screen present vivid images with .....

                PG Cable Sleeve

                Have you been annoyed by cable management? Except for ditching a cable management slot on the stand, Phantom Gaming also.....


                One Display port supports up to a 165Hz refresh rate. Two additional HDMI 2.0 ports are available for secondary .....

                Level1Techs ETA PRIME TechLens UFD Tech
                Toasty Bros Kyle Erickson Tech YES City
                ASRock Phantom Gaming MONITOR
                We Can Never Go Back To A 16.9 Gaming Monitor After This! Phantom Gaming Ultra-wide
                They FINALLY Did IT!... The PG27FF1A
                $1000 Full PC Gaming Setup Guide
                Ultrawide PC Gaming Is Getting Affordable!
                ASRock PG34WQ15R3A: Budget Ultrawide Gaming Monitor That STANDS Out!
                ASRock's FIRST Gaming Monitor is a 34" ULTRAWIDE. It is Good, Mediocre or Terrible?

                BUY NOW

                PG27FF1A Gaming Monitor
                PG34WQ15R2B Curved Gaming Monitor