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                2023/11/23 [Press Release]

                ASRock Launches ASRock Radeon? RX 7900 XT Phantom Gaming White 20GB OC Graphics Card Pure Excellence Unveiled in White

                ASRock, the leading global motherboard, graphics card, and mini PC manufacturer, today announced the ASRock Radeon? RX 7900 XT Phantom Gaming White 20GB OC. This graphics card is powered by the AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT GPU and built on 5 nm process. The new design pattern, featuring a white color scheme, is for enthusiasts seeking a white-themed PC.
                New for 2023/11/23 button
                2023/11/17 [Press Release]

                ASRock Launches AI QuickSet Software Tool Experience AI In One Click

                Leading global motherboard manufacturer, ASRock, today launched ASRock AI QuickSet software tool. ASRock AI QuickSet software tool can help users quickly download, install and set up artificial intelligence (AI) applications. The first version is launched based on the Microsoft® Windows® 11 64-bit platform and utilizes the powerful computing performance of ASRock's own AMD Radeon? RX 7000 series graphics cards to optimize the operating performance of two well-known open source artificial intelligence (AI) drawing applications, Shark and Stable Diffusion web UI, so that interested users can quickly experience the fun of artificial intelligence (AI) at their fingertips.
                New for 2023/11/17 button
                2023/10/26 [Press Release]

                ASRock Launches New AMD WRX90 & TRX50 Motherboards to Maximize Productivity for Creators and Machine Learning

                Leading global motherboard manufacturer, ASRock, proudly announces its new WRX90 WS EVO & TRX50 WS motherboard for new AMD Ryzen? Threadripper? 7000 and AMD Ryzen? Threadripper? PRO 7000 WX-Series processors. The new motherboards support 4/8 channel memory up to 1TB/2TB DDR5 ECC RDIMM, PCI-Express 5.0 expansion slots, server grade storage expansion such as Slim-SAS & MCIO and 10Gbps Ethernet, giving ultimate performance for almost every application such as content creating, video rendering, high-end workstation and even AI machine learning.
                New for 2023/10/26 button
                2023/10/18 [Press Release]

                ASRock Launches Challenger Series Gaming Monitor -Featuring 100Hz Refresh Rate (CL25FF/CL27FF)

                ASRock, the leading global motherboard, graphics card, gaming monitor and mini PC manufacturer, today launched the new Challenger monitor series, including CL25FF and CL27FF models, designed for "Light Gaming" that aim to challenge users' perceptions of business displays, offering a gaming-grade experience with high specifications.
                New for 2023/10/18 button
                2023/10/16 [Press Release]

                ASRock New Phantom Gaming Z790 Motherboards launch for 14th Gen Intel® Core? Processors

                ASRock has announced three new Phantom Gaming Z790 Series motherboards, the Z790 NOVA WiFi, Z790 Riptide WiFi and Z790 Lightning WiFi are ready for Intel® 14th Generation Core processors.
                New for 2023/10/16 button
                2023/9/6 [Press Release]

                ASRock Unveils AMD Radeon? RX 7800 XT and Radeon? RX 7700 XT SGraphics Cards

                ASRock, the leading global motherboard, graphics card and mini PC manufacturer, today launched the new Phantom Gaming, Steel Legend and Challenger series graphics cards based on AMD Radeon? RX 7800 XT and Radeon? RX 7700 XT GPUs.
                New for 2023/9/6 button
                2023/8/2 [Press Release]

                Snowy with Style! ASRock Launches All-White Motherboards

                ASRock launches the company's first all-white motherboard available on both Intel® & AMD platform, and the exciting thing is, this design is not limited to just high-end product, the first three motherboards to have this brand new outfit will be B760M-HDV/M.2 & H610M-HDV/M.2+ D5 from Intel, as for the AMD side we have B550M Pro SE. Looking good is no longer a privilege to expensive motherboards, for the first time stylish budget friendly product has become a new trend of DIY.
                New for 2023/8/2 button
                2023/7/13 [Press Release]

                Lighter! Better! ASRock Launches Taichi Lite Series Motherboards

                Taichi Lite series is here! Based on the existing Z790/B650E Taichi motherboard, the Taichi Lite kept the original specs & features but with less RGB & simpler exterior design. Taichi Lite series motherboard will be focusing purely on the functionality, performance and durability, and with the new simplified design concept, ASRock has brought the long awaited affordable high end motherboard finally back to the market!
                New for 2023/7/13 button
                2023/5/26 [Press Release]

                ASRock Releases New vBIOS of AMD Radeon? RX 7900 XTX AQUA 24GB OC

                ASRock, the leading global motherboard, graphics card and mini PC manufacturer, today announced its new powerful vBIOS designed for AMD Radeon? RX 7900 XTX AQUA 24GB OC to offer users better gaming experience.
                New for 2023/5/26 button
                2023/5/26 [Press Release]

                Enjoy Refresh Gaming Experience with ASRock at COMPUTEX 2023

                ASRock, a global leader in motherboards, graphics cards, monitors, and small form factor PCs, is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming COMPUTEX Taipei 2023 after years of anticipation. ASRock will showcase a range of breathtaking innovative products and highly anticipated technology demonstrations.
                New for 2023/5/26 button